What's your sign?

Rhino UV Armor Signs has launched a special limited edition line of signage, “Signs for the Office” – and we’re giving them away for free! (While supplies last; limit one sign per order).

Guaranteed to make great additions to any workspace or home office, these custom signs make for good gifts and great conversation starters. 

So take your time and peruse the collection. When you have found the sign that’s perfect for you, simply fill out the form below and get ready to be the envy of your office.


             Watch our feature from the Rhino Shopping Network

Example sign saying Warning. To avoid injury don't tell me how to do my job.

  1) Passive aggressive, or straight to the point? We can’t decide.

Sign Sample saying Warning. Turning Vegan would be a big missed steak!

2) A steak pun is a rare medium well done, they say. 


Example sign saying I am currently. Out to lunch. Fighting Crime. Seeking a happy hour. Gone forever, don't look fo rme. Other: fill in the blank. Be back in fill in the blank minutes.

3) Works with dry erase markers; tell people where you’re at or remind them it’s none of their beeswax. 

Free Sample Sign Example - "No man goes before his time. Unless the boss leaves early." quote by Groucho Marx

5) New this month! Groucho was part comedian, part philosopher.


Warning Natural Awesomeness Sign

 4) * New this month!*  This sign warns everyone in the office that you are contagious and they need proceed with caution. 

Live Music

6) Commemorate the return of live music with this groovy “neon” sign.

** Limit one sign. (If you've already ordered a sign previously, you're SOL ...)